OSPR Interactive Map Viewer is best viewed in Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
LAYER LIST (highlighted in orange):
OSPR Interactive Map Viewer list of GIS data layers are located on the right hand side of the map viewer. Layers consist of base data (coastline, counties,etc.) and time-series data pertaining to the oil spill response.
Layer visibility
You can customize the look of the map by making layers visible and invisible. Clicking the check box to the left of each of the layer's and refreshing the map will make that layer visible. Un-checking the box will turn off the visibility of the layer as well.
Activating A Layer
Clicking the radio button to the left of the layer activates the layer
. This allows you to select attributes of that layer with the selection toolset.
TOOLBAR (highlighted in green):
OSPR Interactive Map Viewer toolbar is located on the left hand side of the map viewer. This section is broken up into three sections: navigation, selection & analysis.
Toggle Legend - clicking this tool toggles the "Legend View" & "Layer List"
Overview map - toggles on and off the overview map located in the upper left hand corner of the map viewer
Zoom In - zooms in to the specified area
Zoom Out - zooms out to the specified area
Zoom Full - clicking this tool will automatically zoom to the map's default extent
Zoom Active - clicking this tool will automatically zoom the map to the extent of the active layer
Zoom Back - clicking this tool will automatically zoom the map back to the previous extent
Pan - click this tool and move the map in any direction
Identify - by selecting this tool and clicking it on an active layer, an html table will show attribute information, on the bottom of the map viewer, pertaining to the active layer
Select Box - allows you to drag a box around shapes from an active layer and the corresponding attribute information will show up at the bottom of the map viewer
Select by line or polygon - allows you to draw a line or polygon around features you want to select from the active layer
Clear Selected Features - click this button to clear all selected features
Query - allows you to query the attributes of the active layer
Measure - allows you to draw a line to measure distance and segment distance. Use the set units tool to change units.
Set Units - allows you to set your display units in feet, meters, kilometer and miles
Buffer - allows you to buffer selected points, lines or polygons selected with the selection tool
Print - allows you to print current map page view


This sight maintained by Ocean Imaging